Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chocolate Peanut Butter Sticks

I saw this recipe for chocolate peanut butter sticks and wanted to try it with Big Brother.  (Click here for the recipe.)  I cut the egg roll wrappers and smeared the peanut butter on the egg roll wrappers for him.  He enjoyed putting chocolate chips on the wrappers (and eating a few in the process!).  Since Big Brother loves crunchy foods, we baked the chocolate peanut butter sticks for about 12 minutes so they were a little crispier than the recipe called for.

We tried them with "dip," which consisted of confectioner's sugar and some sprinkles in cupcake papers.  The cupcake papers were the perfect size and looked fancy.  You could also dip the sticks in melted chocolate.

Big Brother tried several mouse bites of the chocolate peanut butter sticks, but preferred to lick the chocolate off them and eat the sprinkles and confectioner's sugar.  We'll try the recipe again, as well as some variations and see if he will more readily accept them.

One of my friends had a great idea for a healthier version...spread mashed banana (or other fruit) or jelly on the egg roll wrappers along with the peanut butter.

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