Thursday, December 30, 2010

Snowflake Tortillas

Big Brother and I made snowflake tortillas today.  He's too young to use scissors, so I cut the tortillas with kitchen scissors so that they looked like snowflakes.  Big Brother loved "painting" melted butter on the snowflakes with our pastry brush.  He helped me fill a shaker with cinnamon and sugar and then sprinkled the mixture on top of the snowflakes.  The recipe says to bake them for 5 minutes, but I baked them for 10 minutes to make sure they were really crispy as Big Brother loves crunchy foods.  He was somewhat concerned that the snowflake was "hot" (warm), but tried a mouse bite.  We'll make them again this week and see if he is more willing to try them since we've already made them once.  Click here for the recipe.

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