Friday, October 15, 2010

Food Neophobia Story on Nightline

A friend recently shared an ABC Nightline episode with me.  (Click here to view the video.)  Nightline follows a young girl who is an extremely picky eater.  As I watched the video, I thought, “This is my son.”  It broke my heart to think about how his feeding issues will impact his life as he grows older…he may miss out on things like attending birthday parties, going to summer camp, and eating at a restaurant with his girlfriend because he’s afraid he won’t be able to eat any of the food that’s being served. 

Watching this video made me more determined than ever to help him overcome his feeding issues.  I know that he will likely struggle with food his entire life, but I want to do everything I can to help him minimize the impact his feeding issues will have on his life in the future.

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